Isoplane Initiative

ALL SOLD OUT! THANK YOU!! ❤️ Check out Part II here

What is the Isoplane Initiative?

The Isoplane Team wants as many people as possible to take part in the X-Wing World Championship 2023 at Adepticon in Chicago, Illinois. We are all aware that for many X-Wing players in the world this will be no small feat. Therefore we intend to help players accomplish their goal of attending Worlds 2023.

Find out more at Hexiled Gaming

How do I help?

Support the Isoplane Initiative and help make Worlds 2023 the best celebration of X-Wing ever!

The Isoplane Team has produced a set of five metal Isoplane Initiative Objective Markers. 0.3mm stainless steel with full colour prints.

Three of them have the IsoTransport™ logo in Blue, Yellow and Purple, with red on the reverse. These can also be doubled up as shield, charge or force tokens too!

The other two feature the logos of major Isoplane Initiative supporters - Hexiled Gaming and Gold Squadron Podcast. Super cool - show support for your favourite content creators with these markers 🥰

Each set is £15 / €15 / $15 (US). Whichever currency suits you, since these funds will go out to applicants all over the world, we don't mind having different currencies!

All proceeds will go to the Isoplane Initiatve Fund (production and postage costs are covered by Pewtinni Parts)


ALL SOLD OUT! THANK YOU!! ❤️ Check out Part II here

ALL SOLD OUT! THANK YOU!! ❤️ Check out Part II here

One last thing...

Did you support the XTC Ukraine fundraiser a few weeks back? If you did, thank you! And sorry for the delay in getting your goodies sent out to you 😔

To show our appreciation of your kindness, if you both donated to XTC Ukraine and support Isoplane, you'll get an extra bonus objective marker - a special Funwok/Pewtinni limited edition piece - because who wouldn't want to flip a funwok or tow a jawa? 😃

Want the token but missed out on XTC Ukraine fundraiser the first time around? It's not too late! XTC Ukraine Fundraiser

ALL SOLD OUT! THANK YOU!! ❤️ Check out Part II here